I'm glad to have good news to continue to report:
All of my steri strips have fallen off the wounds, ankle pumps have been off for a week now, and I am starting to move onto my crutches, finding more stability and strength in my left hip and leg. Showers are happening with more ease and altogether I am being put back together.
I continue to use my CPM machine for 6-12 hours/day, helping break up scar tissue and prepare my hip for increasing range of motion. I am feeling new (but familiar) pains return, blessedly, now knowing these are worthwhile, necessary pains as bones and nerves start reforming and refiring again.
I am almost fully weaned off of my heavy medication, only taking it as needed. I am sleeping more comfortably. Beautiful, beautiful!
I've had a few small concerns related to heavy nosebleeds, slight wound openings, and digestive issues.
My right hip (surgery on May 2011) is holding up mostly well as the sole weight-bearer. The groin pain and bursitis pain still exists, which is discouraging but understandable. Not until both feet are on the ground and both hips are sharing the weight will both hips finally have a chance at functioning with ease.
I will begin doing some work from home this week; I am ready to participate in the world again, even if remotely.
We return to Dr. Clohisy's office on the 24th, eager to see the repair and regeneration.
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