Another week has passed; it's time for an holistic update on this hip of mine.
Muscle strength and mobility: A few weeks ago I could hardly imagine sitting on the edge of my hospital bed. My left leg was so limp it felt dead. I literally feel my muscles forming more and more each day. I get stronger and can now get to the bathroom and out of bed on my own (I'm without 24 hour care now, so that's a good thing!). Dr. Scheid recommended that I start on the recumbent bike and a little pool therapy last week. I did both of these (two times each) and once again, I feel more strength every day. I shared with some of you that on my first attempt at the recumbent bike (I had to lift up my leg and stick it in the strap) I had to go so slowly the machine picked up that I was on PAUSE the entire time. That felt a little discouraging but I had to laugh at it too! My range of motion seems to be increasing each day and I now find I can lift my leg off of the ground while standing on my walker.
For those of you who were not able to get on a recumbent bike or in the pool at 2-3 weeks, don't worry! I've heard of some of you starting at week 5. All of our bodies are so different and heal differently.
Dr. Scheid believes that being an athlete beforehand (I went to the gym the day before surgery--I love fitness!) provides a significant upper-hand when it comes to the healing process. My upper body strength has helped tremendously in getting around on the walker (though I do have callouses) and my right leg has been strong and helpful as a support system to my left leg and hip. I'm thankful for this.
I am still non-weight-bearing for now and hoping this will change in the next few weeks. I am debating buying "millenial crutches" as a transition from the walker. Or, I may just keep the walker and move right to one crutch when my body and doctor give the green light.
I am simply amazed at God designed our bodies to intuitively know how to begin healing and reforming after such trauma.
Pain and Numbness:Though I do have some pain at my incision point, the majority of the pain is actually in my quad area--Denise explained that this is normal as a lot of blood is rushing back down and "getting back into place." The nerves, tendons, muscles, bone are all growing back in and she believes this is causing the ache. I was surprised at how sensitive to the touch my quad (femoris rectus) has felt for these past three weeks.
I sometimes turn in certain directions, while sitting, and feel this excruciating pain.
I ice all day and usually all night long. It's what's most comfortable and I'm looking forward to the inflammation decreasing near the incision.
And lastly, I've been slowly weaning off of taking narcotics every 3 hours. I am down to taking them every 6-8 hours, except on days I am on the bike. I am highly aware of others who have grown a little dependence on the medications and I'm trying my best to listen to my body and wait for the pain to come.
As you can imagine, I'm not driving yet.
The left side of my
Emotional well-being:For me, my emotional and spiritual health have been vital factors to my healing process. Many of my family and friends have worried about this factor the most. I went from leading an extraordinarily busy and frenzied summer season to now sitting in the same three spots for three weeks (and more to come). Yikes! Week 3 brought some more "rays of hope" in the form of consistent visits from family and friends, new strength coming in my left leg, beautiful incoming Fall weather, healthy meals filling our home (thank you!!), consistent and sacrificial care from Nate, my mom, dad, and many, many others, and a rich time of prayer, reflecting, reading, and writing. Though I did not predict this, I have come to embrace my own version of "hip sabbatical" and many times have thanked Jesus for this rare time of quieting down and returning to center.
I've had hard days and many low moments as well. I feel without purpose. I envy those outside taking a jog or walk, I wonder what I'm missing at Outreach, Inc., I get sad when I can't sleep next to my husband, and I simply get discouraged that I can't walk to the restroom or take a step without my walker. (on a side note, I'm hoping to make it upstairs tonight to finally sleep with Nate in our bed!)
And then, God provides a visit from a friend with a Pumpkin Latte in hand. Or, a wheelchair walk around the Farmer's Market on Saturday morning, and sunflowers to show for it. Or, an impromptu visit from a neighbor or friend. Or, cards or flowers that arrive daily in the mail reminding me to "press on" and to be encouraged. Or, catching up on Arrested Development! I have had family and friends give up time with their kids, spouses, work, etc. to spend time with me and serve me. It is humbling.
My next appointment with Dr. Scheid is on Septmeber 29th. I look forward to seeing my x-rays and noting the bone growth at that 5 week mark.